Monday, August 21, 2006

More about my pasttimes

As you can see, I like a good nap. If there's cardboard involved, all the better. Sometimes when I wake up I tear off little bits of the box and spit them out on the rug.

I am also keenly interested in kitchen activities. Here I am supervising dinner at my vacation home in Pennsylvania.


Yuri said...

We love the photos! Especially that "bird's-eye" view of you. You're looking quite fit these days, I must say.


Anonymouse said...

That's all well and good, Milo, but I have it on good authority that you can sometimes be a bit of a dandy. That's right.

Yuri said...

You're not going to take that, are you, Milo?

Milo said...

I may like my high thread count sheets and my fleece, but I challenge anyone to best me in a game of string, a top speed down-the-hall race, or a leaping contest. Plus, as Yuri pointed out, I am freakishly strong. My girth is part of my strategy.